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Schedule of Events

November 2 - 5, 2005

Many are coming in Sunday evening October 30. The hospitality room will be located near the southwest corner of the dormitory on the lakeside. Rick West and Frank Angel will have rooms on either side and will be there Sunday. The room will be open late afternoons if the CS is around.

Please note this regatta will be in progress from 0830 till 1730 daily, Thursday through Saturday, as stated in the morning Skipper’s meeting. Please avoid being absent from the encampment and the bullhorn.

Tuesday: Welcome Gathering on the lawn at the hospitality room around 1730. Bring your lawn chair.

Wednesday: Check-in will begin around 0930 to 1130 for match racers. Fleet racers will check-in following till we are done. This will include boat measurements and issuing the latest regatta information. It is strongly suggested that match race competitors be standing in line at 0930. All entries are required to have registration cards for the boat they are sailing and the sail number that will be used.

The first rounds of match race eliminations will begin about 1230. The Skipper’s meeting will be 15 minutes before racing of the times for the groups. You will be informed of the group assignments just before the event. Racing will continue till between 1630 and 1730.

Practice and tuning will be allowed off the course during this time if allowed by Disney; see your mailed packet. Competitors should be prepared to sail without lengthy on water preparations before they arrive.

An informal gathering on the lawn outside the hospitality room will be around 1730.

Thursday: Skipper’s meeting at 0830.

The first of six (6) seeding races will begin at 0900. There will be three (3) groups and each will sail two (2) heats consecutively. The groups will be A, B and C. The seeding of these groups will be by the Race Committee and prepared as evenly as possible to skills. You will be informed in the September mailing packet what group you will be in.

Following the seeding heats match racing will be conducted. Match racing will be conducted during lunch, which will be provided at lakeside.

Initially, four (4) fleet racing heats will be conducted for each fleet race. These will be fleets Gold, Blue, Red and White. Fleet racing will begin with the White fleet after lunch under the Equal Opportunity Racing System (EORS). Racing will continue till between 1630 and 1730 and at the conclusion of a heat.

An informal gathering on the lawn outside the hospitality room will commence around 1730.

Friday: Skipper’s meeting at 0830.

Fleet racing will resume at 0900 where the heat racing left off the day before. Match racing will be conducted mid day with fleet racing continued till between 1630 and 1730.

An informal gathering on the lawn outside the hospitality room will commence around 1730.

Saturday: Skipper’s meeting at 0830.

Fleet racing will resume at 0900 where the heat racing left off the day before. Match racing will be conducted mid day with fleet racing continued till around 1600 at the termination of a complete race.

An evening banquet dinner and awards presentations will begin at 1830 at the Coronado Springs Resort near the Animal Kingdom Park area. The specific information for this event will be provided in the mailing packet. The hospitality room will be open after racing for the day till the CS leaves for the banquet.

The End
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